Monday, February 8, 2010

A bout with Boredom.

Boredom is the enemy. No matter how much of an effort you make to remove it, it always comes back. Today I realized the only way to combat it is to embrace it--in the form of relaxation. By that reasoning, boredom might actually be a blessing--a time to let your body heal, re-charge and prepare for its next bout of excitement.

Today I felt like I was starring in the movie titled, "This is the most boring day. Ever."  Sitting here now, I realize that I need days like this and should appreciate a slow day instead of letting it aggravate me.  Some things you can't force and a slow day is certainly something that is out of anyone's control.

It took all day for me to finally come to this realization. But now I'm drinking a beer, listening to reggae music and hoping for a boring day tomorrow.

Maybe boredom is my savior.


1 comment:

  1. Boredom is a choice - it stems from attitude. Never forget that!
