Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Simple Inch

In the movie "Any Given Sunday," Al Pacino gives an inspirational speech about how football is a game of inches--that in order to be successful, one has to sacrifice for the greater good of the team.  Watch the video here:

Inches Speech

What I especially appreciate about this clip is its relevance to everyone in life, not just football players and other athletes.  He claims that inch by inch we can improve ourselves. I would like to add that inch by inch and minute by minute we can also help others improve.  And this might just make all the difference.

Too often we read about how someone escaped major catastrophe by mere inches or one more minute would have resulted in disaster.  Let's spin this in a positive light:  An extra minute spent with a friend could lead to a life-long bond.  Or answering one more question from an admirer could help them uncover their true passion.  There are a million examples:  holding a door open for an extra second could change the complexion of someone's day just as helping someone change a flat tire on the side of the road.

Most of you have probably seen the commercial that takes place in a busy city where a good deed is witnessed and subsequently passed on.  And most of you are probably familiar with the cliche "a little bit goes a long way."  I'm just not sure we realize how true this statement is, however. Typically we move throughout our day at the speed of light allowing little buffer between meetings, practices and other obligations.  To set a schedule this way eliminates any opportunity for improvisation and drastically reduces the odds (no scientific proof) of us taking "extra" time to spend with a friend, colleague or stranger. Extra time that could make a world of difference, literally and figuratively speaking.

We are all on the same team on this planet, like it or not.  Our success, as Pacino claims, will be determined by our willingness to go an extra "inch" and as I have discussed, to spend an extra "minute" helping others.  It's that simple.


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